Today was nice... and yesterday... we hung out all Friday, had lunch in the cafe, did some setting up of computery stuff which I'll blog up thoroughly later, but which was basically insane yakshaving necessary to even make me have the stuff I needed to set up to do some programming. Oh and he read me from the bees and siggraph pong game chapter of Out of Control which I really loved... and he looked at my Composite #2 but I still need to get him to read the preface.
We drove up 280 in the gorgeous afternoon sunlight and watched the hang gl1ding people zipped into bags flying around at Fort Fun$ston and were very silly about them being in bags. If I were about to crash and die I would not like for my legs to be zipped into a bag though I suppose it might make collection of the parts easier for the people who clean up smashed hang gliders off of beaches. But we also were thinking how they looked like ovipositors and then invented the strange rituals of hang glider mating and fertility rites. Possibly you had to be there. We talked about preteen obsessions with big grand overarching systems and pulp books like M. Moorcock and how at that time it was hard not to write like that... At least it was hard for me not to. Also about our families and childhoods a bunch more... all that sort of thing... I hung out in a cafe trying to go through two different python tutorials. The Learning Python book blew chunks, much as I remembered it doing. My god! Awful! Dull! Pompous to boot! Condescends one minute, then assumes you have C and Java and Fortran, the other! Bah. Diving Into Python was much better. Though I did not love the comment on the guy's wife. Why must they do it? What kind of relationship is that? And anyway it was like i was supposed to chuckle in sympathy and yeah, I know how that is. Instead I was just massively annoyed. Fog rolled in. Off to Zond-7's house to provide laps for cats and eat some dim sum. Then we realized he thought we were staying there and I wanted to go home -- so as not to ahve to drive huge distances in one day. So, my house - tired yet amiable - talking about all sorts of things - This morning we woke up quite late and went to deal with the hot tub - and I started to bleed through all my clothes and was going through super size tampax like once every half an hour to an hour. I tried to like vacuum the junk out of there and wished for one of those extraction kits like we got in illegal abortion feminist training camp, which most of the point is they can suck your whole period out in 1/2 hour. Soooo I managed to make it through the geek party with only minor difficulty! Plus, was walking! Oh and we ran into Liz Ditz's daughter at Buck's, and looked at me and Minnie's geocache, having breakfast with Skud. SOOO the party was fun, I did not go around meeting a ton of people, but talked with Adina, Zond-7, Skud, Kragen, and some others. We did get to teh point I wanted to get to, of poking at the rest api for my work thing and making it spit data back at us. Now maybe tomorrow to do something with it. I think Zond-7 and I will pair very well on projects once we get going.
I also need to:
* fax forms to blogher!
* maybe cook something big like chicken soup
* write blogher posts
* set up feeds properly for them
* write up stuff I learned about python including all the links and tools
We picked up Rook and Moomin at the airport and headed home. Moomin got the 1st chapter of Dr. Doolittle on the Moon and then read a bit.... he was happy to be with his animals & books & to cuddle with me. Rook is miserable with lingering airsickness which he always gets - dizzy, vertigo, sick-feeling, and I think sinuses messed up like altitude sickness. He fell asleep over a book and Zond-7 and I hot tubbed. Talking a bit about kids and parenting again.
OHHH meanwhile all the blood in the world is crawling out of me as if wanting to evolve amphibiously from the primordial soup. All at once, out of my poor cramping suffering cervix. Enormous glistening things.... with eyes... okay not with eyes but they might as well.... schlooping out of there. So I'm staggering around doubled over in pain with blood pouring out of me. I feel very studly and keep holding up these baby-fist-sized clots to the light. Shimmery and amazing! Let's make blood sausage! Well, days 2-4 of my period will be like "something vaguely pink happening in one's underwear" time if this is any indicator.... entire period happening in one goddamned day. Apparently my uterus is an efficiency nut and read that GTD book when I wasn't looking.
Thank you god for not making me bust through those tampaxes right onto the suede couches at the geek party mansion.
I'm falling asleep so this is just sort of a graceless brain dump of what was a couple of awesome great days with many happy shiny moments. What are we? What will we get to be? Those sort of thoughts, incredulous ones.
Perhaps, you should call your OB-GYN on Monday?
I worried as I read your posting.
Hope you feel better.
Posted by: Melissa P. | August 12, 2007 at 02:43 AM
i think the suction from this thing kind of speeds thing along... ... though it's no vacuum. and I guess you'd have to change it more than every 12 hours at that initial rate, hm.
also the name is stupid.
ok overshare bye!
Posted by: qp | August 12, 2007 at 08:28 AM
I should try it again - I have one but well it was awfully huge and then I never ordered the other size. All very well of them to claim 1 size fits all for anyone who has had a baby, but it was like thunking a toilet plunger up there.
clearly it's time to try again.
Oh and I had the same feeling about the suction from it!
Posted by: badgerbag | August 12, 2007 at 08:34 AM
yeah I got the keeper, the latex one, when I was like 16 and it came in the mail and I was like "what in the WHAT now?? how??" and then it sat around and never got used for almost ten years. then just recently I ordered the silicone one (figuring it would be good for upcoming outdoorsy lifestyle) and it is has been basically a success. these people may or may not have helpful advice:
Posted by: qp | August 12, 2007 at 09:01 AM
I love that there's a menstrual cup community on LJ. Of course there is.
I use a Keeper myself, the "after" birth model, of course. I know I'm due for a new one when my oldest is ten.
Your flurry of activity never ceases to amaze!
Posted by: SJ | August 13, 2007 at 08:15 AM
"Apparently my uterus is an efficiency nut and read that GTD book when I wasn't looking."
Please mark sentences like this with appropriate warnings... I have to clean food off my screen, and I"m just glad I wasn't drinking a Coke when I read that.
Clearly, I have to go and wrap my copy of GTD in special protective anti-uterine covers, lest Mr. Allen's book exert its strange, Marvel comics-ish power on another unsuspecting person.
[hastens away on a mission of protection against the evil GTD forces of darkness]
Posted by: Rick Keir | August 14, 2007 at 04:28 PM