Kushiel's Justice - Cracktastic as the other ones, completely full of drama and trashy angsty sex... Can I confess that the shipwreck made me laugh? Manly beardy men doing manly things singing sea-shanties carving rude shelter from the wilderness with only a hunting knife and drying fish on racks with signal fires & broken legs, shades of Robinson Crusoe and the Kon-Tiki. It was very satisfying. If only there were a little more gay shipwrecked sailor sex. (Well, any.) Or if him and the brooding what's-his-name would get it on. I can still hope for that since I haven't quite finished the book.
You can totally see the next book about Alais and the Alban half-breed harpist, can't you?
Must order the other Rosemary Kirsten books. Quilter was right - they do sustain the story and tone and everything else (though I only read two).
Orphan's Tales lined up next.
Oh but I have another western book, No Life for a Lady. Agnes Morley fucking ROCKS! She hunts grizzlies! She plays poker with outlaws and rides wild bucking calves and horses and and and! She goes East to boarding school! I'm completely in love with her and her gift for wry understatement. You can see the genius of her chapter titles. "Cows were our universe." "Satan didn't like parasols."
You know how there's tiny pill-shaped capsules that turn into sponge animals? Moomin and Dragonboy have them in test tubes. "I have created a new life form!" The most boring toy ever, but you can see how test tubes add excitement to anything. Tomorrow I could serve them different kinds of juice in the test tube racks. Maybe with potion names and magical effects. (Now their bird sponges are justice league members. The flamingo one is now Wonder Woman and one of the blue ones has become Black Canary. I'm ridiculously pleased they're playing female superheroes. Even if it's with tiny bird sponges.)
I am forcing myself not to work. My brain was melting! And I worked for months without a break, so am enforcing weekends with books and sitting outside and Going Out to Events.
The garden is cool with clover & beans on a trellis and there are tiny vegetables all over. If there's an oregano contest I totally win. I think those fuckers are going to turn into oregano trees.
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