I was going to do a whole goofy blog post about how when I was little I listened to the square flexible vinyl 'Songs of the Humpback Whale' record that came in some 1976-ish issue of National Geographic and how I knew then and there that I was really a whale at heart, and come out as a cetacean furry and make up some horribly juicy stories that would compromise half of San Francisco's bisexual polyamorous internet hipster population, and then bury that story deep within a long rambling paragraph about my garden and cats and what I thought about having for lunch and didn't have and a feminist analysis of the philosophy of compost, The Anatomy of Melancholy, and Anima Poetae, but then didn't because it was not quite silly enough and also could be seen as being mean to furries and that just wouldn't be right; plus the whole cetacean-american furry hoax page idea was going to be me and xyzzy doing it including the most ridiculous podcast video ever and so I didn't want to spoil the possibility (but now am spoiling it anyway) and instead worked all morning in a cosy way halfway with Rook passing urls back and forth and cussing at installer programs; and did other worky but fun stuff for Wiscon in the afternoon that sort of made me scream but was also fun, after which through the chain of gossip or proximity or both I was teased nearly instantly over IM for wanting to sleep with or having had slept with everyone I recommended for panels, which was almost true but only because I have good taste, and anyway it wasn't true; or, well, sort of; read a bunch of blogs for the first time in forever because I've been working; ate a satisfying amount of olive oil sesame biscuits and chocolate, in the bath, reading The Queen's Mirror, a book of fairy tales by German women from the mid 18th century; got derailed completely by looking up books of myth and legend for Squid's daughter Iz and then into a sidetrack of The Voyage of the Argo; read a bunch of stuff online that pissed me off but failed to really work up a head of steam about it probably because I'd already worked 10 hours by accident; arranged play date, did random mom things, found string and scissors, served up food though Rook mostly did it because I kept burning the grilled cheese sandwiches; grocery shopped, had a pleasant mom-gossip session in the sun with Tomas's mom and found he's going to Pole Star, or as Jo calls it, Big Noggin, ensuring happiness of Moomin there as they play explorers and zookeepers with perfect accord and tenderness and perhaps will play at recess even if they aren't in the same homeroom; gardened; realized suddenly that I had been picturing *my* vegetables and herbs and flowers right where my housemate had been picturing *hers* though I thought hers were going in hanging buckets; tried to compromise; felt that it was my space as it's outside my kitchen window and I sit and see it every morning, but maybe that's wrong and I hope we can split it somehow and anyway I don't sit there all the time now that I'm working from an office; compost, worms, digging, sand, trying to be very gentle and work slowly and move a lot because of my back and knees; now festooned with cats, who seem to trade their purr back and forth very efficiently so that only one is purring at any one time, no matter how hard I try to achieve the purr in stereo; thinking about last night's game and the moments that were cool and that clicked though mostly I felt I was vacant-mindedly failing to do any beautiful improvisation and was tongue-tied and panicky. It was an intriguing game that I'd play again, and I think it could do very well for a longer term game, at least 5 or 6 sessions if not longer.
Then I blogged a little bit, was pissed off by the cover of Wired, cheered with enthusiasm and exhaustion for A.'s mockery of it, and finally was slayed utterly by this feminist analysis of Tetris. Back to my German fairy tales which shall drift me to sleep.
Technorati Tags: daily life, humor
i LOVED that record. LOVED
Posted by: jenijen | April 02, 2007 at 10:08 AM
Hard to believe it, but the New Yorker just pubbed a cartoon which in its innocent little way ties in nicely to your cetacean furry theme. I'll e-mail it to you.
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