Okay! We're having the 2nd WoolfCamp at my house in RWC. It's not super beautiful like Grace's house, but it's homey, comfortable, and there's a lot of books, & wireless.
This coming Sunday, the day after BlogHer. For months now all time has been measured by "When BlogHer Is". We figured we'd get some out of town people & we could sort of debrief or continue the giant bloggity multiple orgasm that is BlogHer, because... why stop?
Basically it's a bunch of us having an all day blogging Thing, unconference style, strongly womancentric/feminist but not women only. The focus is on blogging as creativity. Massively touchy-feely. More intense than a meetup - we will brainstorm ideas for discussions to have and then make a schedule for the day and split into different groups. Lots of down time, probably a bunch of kids underfoot, food & wine, toenail-painting, disco dancing in between the discussions, demos, or workshops.
Come on over to the wiki and sign up if you want to come - not necessary to be part of any clique or part of BlogHer - half the people won't know each other - queer/trans friendly - kid-friendly - newbie-friendly - etc. Do not fear the wiki - the wiki is your friend. Or... if you do fear the wiki, email me at:
lizzard --- at --- bookmaniac.net
No Woolfcamp for me, dang it all. Why does all the fun stuff get concentrated in one weekend?
Posted by: Liz | July 25, 2006 at 10:15 AM
Oh, cool! Can't wait.
Posted by: nina | July 25, 2006 at 12:15 PM