The whole draft is 220 pages. I have M.'s revisions and DJ's revisions of the intro, and am on page 8 of 40 of DJ's. It's hard! I was trying to slog through it all linearly but am now marking or noting a few of the difficult parts to go back to.
I need to restructure it but am going to fix the line by line stuff first.
He did nicely call it "wild and wooly" as well as "exciting"...
I never get comments on how exciting my reviewed writing is. ;>
I have all sorts of review-incorporating techniques, but I usually do fix the nitpicky stuff first and then highlight the parts that obviously aren't making sense to the reviewer and go back and rework those.
My method also involves several colors of highlighters (yellow for valid, pink for comments from the crack pipe), and 3M flag-notes (needs further research).
Posted by: Wired | April 21, 2006 at 09:55 AM
Apropos of nothing, but you said to remind you here:
Do you know the work of Susan C. Herring? She often writes about the intersection of language, gender and computer-mediated communication, like for example this paper on correlations between gender and genre in blogs.
(Interestingly, her training is in linguistics but she teaches at the School of Library and Information Science at Indiana. If only we had that combination here at UT's iSchool!)
Posted by: Prentiss Riddle | April 21, 2006 at 12:41 PM