train - bart crowded... tuned it out... listening to "look cute, feel cute" on repeat...
birl at oakland coliseum bart, in blue converse, hippie skirt, embroidered leg warmers, fucking cute pink knitted hat like a cloche, with applique and sequins, fancy chunky rings, funky snake bracelets, then she turned around and had t his leather squirrel purse. i had to go talk to her. the squirrel purse was too much for me. i had to take several d6 worth of knockback damage, it was so good.
guy reading the "singularity " book acted like i was a goddess for changing his 5 dollar bill for the bus... happy! the bus seats had rainbow ribbon patterns. airport architecture makes me happy... it's so odd. in line for security checkpoint this guy ahead of me was whistling loudly and i nearly changed lines, taking him for an obnoxious asshole. you know when you end up on a plane next to a Loud Sigher? it's to impress you, and you are supposed to notice and say something ? like that, but with tuneful WHISTLING. no way. but then he stoppped whistling and whipped out his camera, "Oh, i have to get a photo of THIS..." not without prior cause i assumed he was going to take a photo of my san francisco hair. it happens all the time and i don't mind it. but it wasn't that! it was the sign next to me that said "this sign must not be removed" or some such nonsense. "I love that!" i said to the dude. and photographed it too. "It's the absurd everywhere! the absurd must be Observed!" then i was happy i had not switched lines. even if it was 8am.
got standby on earlier flight. yeah!
met debbie inthe airport. a good gossip in the taxi... hotel filling up wth familiar people... holyoutlaw recognized me from LJ and addressed me as badger... which, i have to say i kind of enjoy that sudden rl intersection. gossip v. intense everywhere in corners. I will call G.R. as soon as I figure out what time it is in britain.
lunch with debbie and kate. i am extremely fond of kate though i barely know her. it does not take knowing to do species recognition. elise is here with an enormous Box. helped amycat set up some bookshelves. then wandered outside.
i love taking pictures of groups of strangers for them with their cameras.
little flock of teenage skaters dancing on their skateboards past the quechua musicians. quechua masis, i think is their name. i love a panpipe in a city... over here on the stone wall under a redwood, a guy is watching and listening to them - froma distance - and i saw him crying a little. he's maybe 50, balding, still black ahir except for temples, mustache, and he's wearing black and white checkered pants that look like he doesn't know they're women's pants, and work boots. empty ferris wheel, pink and still... I love everything... I have trip hysteria...
i miss moomin and rook, and wish they were here, they'd dig it. Moomin would love this whole place. i had no idea this was here int he middle of seattle... especially the squashed building. and the dinosaur fountains. and all the funky architecture. and the whale tail sticking up out of the cement. it seems exuberant and yet aware of an inherent sadness in this place. "this is here, because something else isn't, and we know that."
impossible not to wander around some more. so beautiful!
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