Oh and I just got sweet email from the Utah poet I picked up in Muddy Waters a year and a half ago, because she was so cute and out-of-town wistful and writing obvious poetry in her journal and reading Rilke in the cafe, and I almost tried to ravish her but then realized she was like 12 years old, and so me and Quilty brought her to this SF reading and took her out for middle eastern food. We couldn't bear the thought of her going back to the youth hostel and then to Utah without having some random nightlife. That's the night I met Chula for the first time! She was like a neon motel sign in the desert on Route 66 at midnight! Or maybe she was like a lone car on Route 66 and I was her alien abductor. Anyway, this cute-as-a-bug butchy punk Utah poet has a blog: punklove1978!
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