It's way too hot here. I'm ill-tempered. Moomin is being super pesky & annoying. I can't stand it when he clings and pesters and I'm sweaty and he's all sort of gross and clammy feeling & besides, obstreperous. We went home, then to the playground (too hot!!! kids all whiny! trying to make me run around in the sun!) then to Tomas's ballet lesson which he begged to go to but then wasn't interested in watching. Which annoyed me no end! The ballet place was annoying! The little ballet girls were horrid. The ballet moms kinda scary. They made me practically break out in vomiting & hives! Horrible little twits. (Except Tomas's mom, who is nice.) And the whole concept of the nutquacker performance, I'd rather go straight to hell than suffer through even one performance of it! It's all horrible and syrupy, and as I mentioned, the kids are complete twits. Plus I keep looking at them and wondering which ones will have their body image ruined forever by the uttter crap of ballet. and why do boy ballet clothes NOT go up the butt, but girls' do? What kind of sense does that make?
Horrible little no-talent rich children simpering at themselves in the mirror, holding up their frou frou pink skirts! I could slap them all!
Nix on ballet for Moomin... perhaps gymnastics or hip-hop dance.
Moomin now popsicled, tv-ed. I should not have stayed up till 2am reading all of "Air".
Gymnastics moms are just as bad. Maybe worse. Synchronized swimming moms are scarey as all get out. Try the hip hop.
Posted by: TW | September 28, 2005 at 06:14 PM
I'm glad my instincts about ballet moms are correct.
Posted by: Lea | September 28, 2005 at 06:28 PM
Yoga, man. I'm telling you.
Posted by: Jo | September 28, 2005 at 08:24 PM
Interesting about the clothes. It is not supposed to be quite that way. Girls are supposed to wear leotards that fit across the butt (not up it), boys wear t-shirt and jazz pants. In adult performance though, women wear pretty much the same thing and men wear tights that do go up the butt, form fitting.
Posted by: Barak | September 29, 2005 at 05:47 AM
What about fencing? Apparently it is actually quite boring to do but rather attractive to watch.
Posted by: Iris | September 29, 2005 at 02:52 PM
Okay, now I'm flashing on Sandra Tsing Loh's one-woman show "Sugar Plum Fairy," which we saw at San Jose Rep last year.
Posted by: janet | September 30, 2005 at 11:27 AM