Okay... I'm gearing up to go and volunteer for about a week, with these people. I really can't stop thinking about this, and need to go help out in whatever way seems best, and that's how I'll be most useful. I'm figuring I can stay with my parents, and drive one of them to work and borrow the car or take the bus from downtown or something.
I'm asking people to pledge a little to help sponsor me in going out there, to pay my plane fare basically. Rook is going to see if he can work from home all week, to take care of Moomin. I'm asking KRON since they give me the linkylove, and I think I'll ask for fellow BlogHers too, for sponsorship. I'll volunteer what shifts they need, and will blog it all, as well.
Email me if you want to help out.
I'm in for $50.
Posted by: whump | September 05, 2005 at 01:00 PM
wow y'all I have $250 pledged already. You're amazing! My parents offer to put me up and whoever comes with.
If there's any cash over plane fare & taxi (as I think i might be stuck with taxi in houston, there's suck-all for public transport) then I'll just like, hand it to someone who needs it, or use it to buy someone's plane ticket out; or, I can give it back and of course I'll blog it thoroughly whatever I do.
I'm thinking to leave tonight if that is possible or tomorrow morning if anyone comes with me and needs the time to organize. But when I haul ass, I HAUL ASS.
Posted by: badgerbag | September 05, 2005 at 01:16 PM
I will help in my best way, which is to entertain Moomin. We will be back on Wednesday and will help John, if he needs to work or whatever or just have a break. Also I will see if we have any money left after our gigantic trip... oy...
Posted by: Jo | September 05, 2005 at 02:26 PM
I'd like to find some mommybloggers or techies or like, genderqueer people to hang out with in Houston too, if I get any hanging-out time. I do carry my own strong magic forcefield of reality with me, but it might help if I hooked up with someone...
Posted by: badgerbag | September 05, 2005 at 04:16 PM
Posted by: Jo | September 05, 2005 at 05:39 PM
This is so awesome of you, Badger. You are in our hearts. Go and make a difference. You rock!
Posted by: pam | September 05, 2005 at 10:13 PM
I will be out of town, however, when I return (after 9/19) count on me for $50.
Posted by: byakko | September 06, 2005 at 05:14 PM
I have way way more than enough now. I have cash coming out of my elbows. I'm passing it on in cash to people in the dome. You guys make me cry... I'm keeping track and will post a list (anonymous) of the amounts and that I gave it out.
Posted by: badgerbag | September 06, 2005 at 06:56 PM