Parents being particularly nice... they got here and were starving from not having eaten anything from 7:30 am to 2:30. brutal! after we got back from the Hole, they sucked down cheese and crackers with the focused attention of ravening wolverines. My dad had some beer. Then he noticed the toys...
Wow that was the coolest thing ever... as no one else really gets down on the floor with Moomin and makes up long stories. my dad had it all down. there was one castle of good guys and one of bad. then, across the room, a forest full of animals. in between, he set up a chessboard. so the good guys had to go through some kind of chess challenge to go ask the animals to help in the battle against the bad guys to get back the magic ring. Wow, how perfect! The thing no one ever gets is that moomin is continually heartbroken that no other kids know how to play that sort of game, and he doesn't know how to describe how to do it or how to negotiate.
T. came to get them and they all left to go to Marin... Moomin and I played some more. sadly - i got bored (not having had enough beer, I suppose) so we read calv1n and hobbbes comix.
my mom getting good at faking approval of things - my dress actually i realized is appalling - totally appalling to her - I have leg hair - underarm hair exposed which believe it or not I had not thought of - she didnt' say anything but I realized it in a horrible flash. well. she did her hair, and showed off her new eyebrow wax and dye job... v. sophisticated... and changed clothes a few times, debating what to wear to the bbq in marin... well! she knows I'm the last person to give that sort of advice. I was glad she went easy on me.
errrr. perhaps i will go and buy some sort of short sleeved jackety thing to go over the dress.
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