school board/ education meeting thing. aaaaaaa! <<<---- short version.
writing up report of it. (took way too long) (done by someone else and sent just before I was finished)
not finished editing other article...
mom demanded i come immediately sooooo. i trotted off to do that.
now at Minnie's, folding little booklets, zineishly.
parents clearly shocked, appalled, that Oakland is full of black people. lord give me strength.
*gasp* It IS?
Posted by: Jo | May 25, 2005 at 07:16 PM
Take 'em to Daly City where it's full of us dogeating Filipino people.
Posted by: GraceD | May 25, 2005 at 07:36 PM
Black people? In *my* Oakland?? Surely not!
Posted by: Ms. Jane | May 26, 2005 at 10:44 AM
I was going to write a comment about shifting populations and nostalgic sadness at neighbourhoods suddenly changing totally after hundreds of years. But I think what is happening now in England is so extreme compared to America that you probably just think any mention of it is unacceptable.
Posted by: Iris | May 27, 2005 at 03:04 AM