Here are my very fuzzy, very un-edited, messily typed, not-including-everything notes from the canon panel. I'll make a nice list of the books suggested - I'll clean up that list, the spelling, add authors, etc. Most of them were in response to Bill's question about a 90s canon. We didnt' make a "Big Canon".
prescriptive vs. descriptive
MUST have read - vs. - this would be good to read
Illicit Passage - Alice Nunn
revolution or direct political action from woman's point of view.
steven's canon - audience and panel quickly come up with what they think everyone has read or should have read (at wiscon)
- The Female Man
- Houston, Houston, Do You Read
errr... I got up to write down the others on a big piece of paper. Lori will have them.
common ground
history of genre and community. (audience - jennifer)
Linda Hogan. nativeamerican poet.
lori - open system.
hall of fame model
museum model. the entry hall - foundational works.
the utopian hall... the hall of books by men that demonstrate they get it.
stuff that's been said already....
sandra lindow - as a reader... internal canon. steps. "path" progress.
shapes how we write - as writers in that genre.
lori - what if you've read the crap of a genre? instead of the classics or canon of it?
keeping people "out" of canon
defining who is educated. (high culture? or subculture)
idiolect. an individual dialect/language
the canon as common language...
[i give my rousing speech about open system
steven - quality. snottiness. cultural judgement and exclusion.
mike - walk to the end of the world was literarily inferior but not as important.
but the furies was much better - (not her first novel)
erin - dialectic model of different canons in conversation with each other.
nonlinearity, anarchy. in a genre.....
lori to erin: will you marry me?
erin: that's my first proposal ever!
lori - i'm lazy and don't care....
i'm confused.
suddenly i realize that lori wants what's New - what is now? what is our own historical moment?
living breathing canon.
audience person - to what lori said. the books talked about over and over. i should readt his but i don't want to. chronnological tree- influential important books - what kind of canon are we looking for?
matt austern - tree metaphor good -branches forgetable, the crap is forgettable... but important.
lesley hall - literary history of a genre. vs. archetypal or "best" books in a genre
books no one is going to read for pleasure middlemarch influenced by ivanhoe but who wants to read ivanhoe.
Danger of setting up the altar canon. (the golden bookshelf of femsf)
The new woman novel of the late 19th century. approved list. who is being discussed and getting back into print. olive schreiner. mona k. sarah grand georgia edgerty? who?
constructive conversation and bouncing things off each other. "ont the same page"
To enable conversation you need common ground.
negotiating and constructing that common ground.
lori - construct lots of canons as long as always questioning the process.
mike levy - at academic sf cons - the academics only have the peaks. the fan-academics
bill henry.
canonical books are old books... our lateest one just came up with v. quick consensus - latest was 1985.
lori - predicting what will be influential (i think this is a different issue?)
janet -professionalness.
metaphors. landscape. paths. carrier bag. tree. museum. search engine back end.
jennifer. how is it used - protective. certain things not worthy of discourse, conversation.
the iron dragons' daughter
life druing wartime
female man russ
camp concentration tom disch
tim powers. ?? gates.
what frightens me about a canon. (2 or 3 that i've never heard of... go out and read them..) deviations from the standard.
what frightens me about not having a canon.
looking for new things to add to my list of femsf. multiple sources.
what might be on that canon - since the 90s?
stories for men - john kessel.
ammonite. nicola griffith.
slow river - nicola
elanor arnason - anything;
mission child.
canonical books that haven't won the tiptree.
white queen.
door into ocean - joan slonzinsky.
tehanu. leguin
paradigm of earth candas jane dorsey. and black wine.
stars in my pocket like grains of sand. ("that's not feminist")
sarah canary. kjf.
what I didnt' see.
little faces. vonda macintyre.
the mouth. carol emshwiller
congenital agenesis.
carmen dog. carol emshwiller.
Mall. Trisha Sullivan.
girl detective - kelly link
travels with the snow queen
ring of swords
handmaid's tale
kathy acker. my mother demonology Pussy king of the pirates.
tiptree's work
tiptree winners.
janet- feminist books and books that are interesting to feminists. mindplayers - pat cadigan - not feminist novel but of interest to feminists.
sandra lindow - miles vorkosigan being feminized whihc makes series interestingly feminist.
lois bujold. ethan of athos.
octavia butler Blood Child, wild seed.
vonda macintyre - dreamsnake.
l. timmel duchamp - alanya to alanya
pamela sargent - shore of women
kelly eskridge - solitaire.
More amazing lists here:
and #include Tiptreewinners;
Note: I have shown many more people my underwear. JUST BECAUSE. It's girls gone wild day here at WisCon!
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