Results of my cleaning and bustling:
A whole grocery bag full of books is sorted out from my stuff - good books - and ready to go to W1sCon. Now I wish I'd mailed it to someone in M4dison but surely I can manage to check one bag and lug it through the airports, right? For a good cause!
The stack of papers to be sorted reaches waist-high.
Moomin's room is next. I need to sort through kids' books and all his clothes and toys. I think too much space in the room is taken up by my kid-book collection and not enough by the stuff that's his!
Baby toys are flowing to Peanut in a steady stream...
Two shelves of other books are ready to be given back to lenders or donated somewhere.
All the other books except for 2 medium-sized piles on the floor - they're roughly alphabetized or in categories.
general fiction and stuff alphabetized by author.
history, myth, art, atlases. (daily life in byz4ntium; secrets of the cabala)
encyclopedias and reference.
chinese and indian stuff.
foreign lang. dictionaries (oh, i love my weird dictionaries! welsh, sanskrit, mongolian!)
comic books/graphic novels.
feminism and literary theory.
books in spanish.
kids' books.
There is another category I had separated out that I'm not sure if I'll leave that way and it's sort of: adventures and exploration, or books about the sea, discovery, etc. This is a nice category to see all together, fiction and non.
What an excellent list. I love a good list. It's like biting into a particularly good pie slice.
I have a category for "women under extraordinary circumstances." It's funny, because at first it was maybe three books leaning up against each other, but I find myself taking books from other sections and placing them there, after thinking about them for a while. Eventually all my books will be in that category, perhaps. Or the ones that aren't will be in the free box at the library.
Posted by: Jo | May 24, 2005 at 10:32 AM
oh yeah - i have another category for sex/pervert theory/porn, "behind the green door" which I painted green completely on purpose for that very joke.
and another for weird retro advice books on how to be a girl and dating and motherhood and that sort of thing!
Posted by: badgerbag | May 24, 2005 at 10:46 AM