With a title like "Grand Conversation" how could I miss it? I'm not disappointed. Rosaleen Love just read the words "power to the polyps". Coral is cool! I should type up The Absorbing Story of My L1fe as a Sponge and email it to her just to give her a laugh!
Now it's Anne Sheldon reading something inannaish. wait... it's The Adventures of a Faithful Counselor. Wow cool. Everything cool is coming out from this press! omg I can't tell you what it means to me to be in a roomful of people who, I'm realizing, a good bunch of them know who Ninshubar is. If I were conversing with Anne I'd send her this: archive of translations from sumerian and especially the Debates and Disputations like the debate between Hoe and Plough; Winter and Summer. or oh- Bird and Fish is a great one.
Now - Eleanor Arnason, with other-planet myths...an ice planet. (and I'm thinking... here is a person who has read her jerome rothenberg....Everyone here is so deeply nerdy!)
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