My mom is also on my ass to buy some new luggage. i guess i had the same backpack and wheely thing, you know... a black suitcase with wheels and a handle... for the last 10 years but many, many years ago they broke and were sewn up and glued and broke again etc. Until last year when I threw them away. So -- just as she gets a bug up her ass that I must start buying the proper brand of paper towels or disaster will strike - suddenly, the mission is clear. I must have luggage. In vain I protested that I would far prefer to get something at my leisure. But if I don't fucking come up with luggage in the next day and a half then she will insist that we go to the mall together, or walmart, and buy it for me right there so that she can make sure that I do it and get something RIGHT.
As she is out here for M.'s wedding I think this is extra annoying. She should hang with them. and play with moomin. and ignore my clothes and possessions. (It does not matter if I continue saying this to her face... I might weasel out of going to buy baggage, but only at the cost of pissing her off hugely and a lot of poutiness and having it suddenly be a big fucking deal.)
Anyway. Wish me luck. For I am off to (where? ) to buy a small suitcase on wheels.
update... i am instructed to look at c0nsumer reports about quality. wtf? is it like buying a car? can't i just buy a cheapass suitcase at target and use it till it falls apart? is this like the handbag thing?
Posted by: badgerbag | May 23, 2005 at 12:45 PM
Yes, be sure to get something that will protect your toothbrush and clean underwear from nuclear fallout. I can't stress how important that is!
Posted by: Jo | May 23, 2005 at 02:17 PM