Several people have gratified me by asking, "Is that a banana in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" Obviously that's why i'm walking around with a banana in my pocket - to test who will blurt that out.
Last night I promised Jane H. that I'd show her my underwear once it was worth seeing. She didn't expect the sudden flashing.
Eleanor A, Jane, Larisa M. from Moscow, Martha, & etc. are talking about class distinctions in sf. Eleanor explained some "class for dummies" for us...we have yet to related the discussion to SF. it's good but i'm having a hard time paying attention. I might be awful and duck out to buy books... I'm afraid if I dip more than a toe into the dealer room, it will suck me down into a black hole and I'll never leave.
As always at cons - most people are wearing their Best Black T-shirt. This crowd has the best best black tshirts I've ever seen! And buttons.
Jane just used the word "confusticate." I'm in love again!
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