Alas that my working today was completely derailed by Foppetry Plash editor calling up and freaking that no one out of 10 people in the office has ever seen an rtf file before. chaos! fire! pain! the amputation of limbs and application of drastic life-saving measures! And the scans are all grey and too tiny, no one can read them! Emergency right now! jeez.
A couple of months? ago when they called me up to say that i needed to send them copies of everything I quoted from xeroxed from the books... it took me a whole day to find the books and do the scans.. and I just had to re-find all those same books which were in way different illogical places by now. Oh the pain. I must drive it all over to them. I also had to email the whole thing pasted in the message body but this will fuck all the italics and accents... wrrrrrrrrrgh. I hope it comes out okay.
Of course all this makes me hate the article about 1 million times more than I hated it in the first place. I know everything takes longer than you think it will, but almost a year plus days of extra work... Next time I will know how to do things their way, though, and will bring them hard copies of everything and all documents converted into whatever version of w0rd they use.
Sustaining me now is Chula's giant mix CD of Motivational Funky Music. Without Billy Preston, all this slow xeroxing and looking at the article which is so insignificant and makes me wince... well, Billy Preston made it much better. Tower of Power! Mavis Staples! Graham Central Station! My musical education continues. I will have to make her a cheerful technocumbia cd in return...
tonight is Pokemon night at the game store - I wonder if rook and Moomin will want to go?