Someone just told me that I'm not "young, urban, and hard-edged" enough for their reading series. Oooookay... but I sent them scream-poetry about bloody rape and that one poem about being a giant fuck-robot exoskeleton. WTF could be edgier? I'm no slam artist, but am on the edgy side for page-poets.
I still get carded when I buy spray paint, even though I'm 35. I actually *like* when people notice my gray hairs. But it's a little bit annoying to have suddenly gone from "not old enough" to "too old" with no in between. I know, it's just this one chick, but still it bristled me.
I was giggling the other day as I imagined my ex-girlfriend writing a book called "The Fuckable Cr0ne". About being sexy and slutty and getting laid when you are older. Would that not be too great? I can't figure out if I should seriously suggest it to her, or if it would be super offensive. And I know her pretty well.
Well, since you're too old, why don't you write it?
Posted by: J | March 25, 2005 at 03:01 PM
There is a perfectly good series here called 'Grumpy 0ld W0men' where amusing famous women talk about how things change as you get older.To be eligible to appear on this programme you have to be over FORTY.And the word 'crone' is often used.So it isn't as offensive to her as you might first think.
Posted by: Iris | March 29, 2005 at 02:09 AM