I've gotten through the day! and it was fun. The nap helped. My wonderful headphones helped.
The kids' museum was squalid! I don't recommend it. I guess it was okay. What a load of hype. Moomin spent a long time with some 70s-style display on bug mouth parts...
And then... the nap! yay.
A walk on the beach. I was lagging behind watching Moomin with his grandfather. Moomin sat down crosslegged and stared at the sea. In quite the byronic pose. When I caught up I commented that I like looking at the ocean too...
"Mommy, I love the horizon."
*I get all teary and wonder what the hell is going on in his head*
"I love it too. I love the beautiful waves..."
"I love the beautiful horizon and the clouds and seagulls and waves and both kinds of ships, the good ships and the bad ships. That's the good ship and that's the bad ship Mommy."
"I love how the waves keep coming in and crashing forever and ever..."
"Me too!"
Duuuuude. Could anything be more... i mean... it's the moments like this that sort of torment me that he doesn't talk with me more. Wowee zowee. Oh, little poet to be!?
Then the youngest cousin's birthday which I'll write about later.
Then a long, long family discussion about all the kids and especially about oldest cousin's difficulties with school and personality quirks. He is wildly bright and verbal... you know it was just impressive on the whole. sitting down and all talking about what could be done. Sensibly (mostly). My god. That's nice. Only a tiny bit of sniping, quickly quelled by everyone else. And a little mysterious, non-relevant pontificating from dadinlaw, which was patiently listened to and then ignored utterly. (How saintly my mom in law must be. oh to hear it for years from him... the meaningless hot air! boring! always making it clear that he didnt' grasp what anyone else was saying!)
This is the nicest family. They really make a huge effort to be tolerant of each others' flaws and sweet to everyone and to keep the wheels rolling. Mamita was crabby earlier when guests were coming and all was chaos. I wondered a bit if it was me and she had just lost patience? but then realized it wasn't me. And wildly she later said something sweet and awkward about sorry for bitching at me. So unheard of in my mom's side of family.. imagine! ha. Of course these guys are all insane and irritating in their own ways but they are quite lovable. I feel a little bad for withdrawing from them a bit on purpose. (But I can't always take their intensity and head games....)
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