On leblanc's blog I went off defending us yuppie moms with houses in the suburbs. On the yuppie moms in the suburbs mailing list, I bitch-slapped this uber-mom for complaining about poor customer service: me going on about upperclass feeling of entitlement as if every peon pulling minimum wage must kiss her ass because she has a credit card. Conflicted? Gosh, ya think?
The mom-list popped a cap in my ass by sending me some healing white light to heal my woundedness, and the uber-mom, Arma, is now posting helpful, lovey-dovey thoughts to everyone several times a day in a passive aggressive attempt to prove she is nicer than me, the troublemaker.
I apologized but am really still seething. Also, I'm totally afraid of her. She seems like the sort of person who could make a few phone calls and send a death squad my way, or, as MB says, there might be cause to fear that I'll open my door to find a flaming bag of poop. But whatever the Really Wealthy Person equivalent of that is.
Then another mom on the list wrote me and offered to pay my club dues if I'd swear to write at least 3 more ranty emails in the next year to stir up trouble. That was pretty funny. I wish lots of people would pay me like that to be a loudmouth. I should have been a CIA infiltrator. I know that this one chick in college thought I was one -- but no. I just like trouble and my version of upperclass entitlement is mouthing off like there's no tomorrow.
I'm cheered by the thought that the Perseids are happening. I forgot all about them. check out this handy tool, which unfortunately requires us mere mortals to think about UTC and julian dates: Your Sky.
Definitely a dream job -- getting paid to write ranty emails.
We have also joined the ranks of the entitled Yuppies in Suburbs. Sigh.
Your Moms group sounds like something out of 19th c. literature -- social graces, one or two vendettas, and social upheaval.
Posted by: bri | August 11, 2004 at 05:42 PM
Don't forget that Arma has a personality disorder. Another reason to be afraid of her.
I'd have chimed in, but Jo and Ep took care of just about everything I would have said except "what is wrong with being reminded how fortunate most of us are?"
Because not everyone on that list is yupsteriffic. Which was one of the concluding points of your post, neh?
Posted by: squid | August 11, 2004 at 06:32 PM
not to be overly euphemistic, but everything in this world has shades of gray. however, we should all be pushing toward the lighter end. if you start moving more toward the American Beauty/Fake Plastic Trees dimension of yuppie-dom, you'd really better start worrying.
i appreciated your input on the subject - i know that some of us tree hugging dirt worshippers can be just as judgemental and hypocritical as anyone else, and although sometimes i get very angry at the "lunching ladies" that swarm the neighborhood around my office buying overpriced kitchenware, i also try to remind myself that we're all in this together, and me being angry and resentful doens't help anything.
on the other hand, i also belong to more than one email list where i'm the spitfyre, and it brings me great pleasure to put out blanket statements to rile everyone up and get the converstation going again. i try not to do it too much on my blog, but the post you commented on was just that.
Posted by: leblanc | August 12, 2004 at 10:05 AM