Me, coming up to loosely associated group of people in the Klanwood post office: "Um, are y'all in line?"
Assorted Rednecks With Mullets: *turn and stare, giving once-over, then turn away*
Me: Oh, uh, excuse me, is this the line? or are you just filling out forms...? um...
ARWMs: *silence* *their shoulders become curiously stiff and eloquent* *one woman turns and looks me up and down again, then turns back*
oooo. Ow! burned! snubbed! hahahaha. It was wild how they were in solidarity over not answering me.
Apparently it's illegal to mail something in a box that once contained wine. "I could turn it inside out and re-tape it. Then it wouldn't say "napa wineries" on the outside anymore." "I'm sorry ma'am. That would still be illegal." I repacked my box and shipped it off - 8 bucks, cheap!
Out of post office, vaguely creeped out.
Gah, I'm halfway tempted to look that up in the Postal Manual (I think USPS has an online version) to confirm that the drone at the counter was giving you the bizness. Glad you, Moomin and Rook have returned from Houstopolis w/sanity intact.
Posted by: whump | August 10, 2004 at 12:02 AM