footh1ll-deanz@ district
SM county district
I think what will happen is I'll be in a pool of part-time people and will get to teach a class or two. One scrabbles about commuting between campuses with no office. The good part of this: part time so i can still deal with Moomin. The bad part: uncertainty and stress and not much money.
Maybe I'll land some private HS job. Can I deal with that? Could I do it? I don't know! all the crazy changing-of-what-you're-doing every 40 mintues. Yuck. I would vastly prefer college teaching. Should I knuckle under and get a creative wr1ting certification of some kind, or composition certification? I have this idyllic vision of getting to teach Gilgamesh, Greek myths, and LeGuin to DeAnz@ freshmen. Maybe that's not happening.
But also maybe I can intern my way into some sort of publishing or editing job or do more freelance writing or get paid for translating - to get paid for this it has to be prose, I think, and to that end I'm going to do some short stories this fall. I think once I get any kind of break in any of these areas, I'm going to focus on it like a shark with a laser on my head. Rawr! SNAP! My heart is not set on making my living any one way so I should make the most of the flexibility that basically rook provides by supporting me right now and keep making efforts in all these directions until some opportunity seems likely.
What if I were on my own, without Rook or Moomin? What would I have been doing? In that case I would be for sure stuck in a crappy secretary job - still writing and still trying to branch out, but it would be harder. Or I'd be driving all over the bay area, tutoring in the afternoons and evenings, and doing the occasional porn movie and foot fetish photo shoot. Don't think I don't know how it would go. I guess I might have been clawing my way back into the computer biz. By "clawing" I mean that it would be exactly like it was before, but harder -- I'd have to take part time, very low level tech supporty work.
Always, once I get some kind of part time, volunteer, or temp job, whoever it is wants to hire me more, because I fake it well and I'm really smart and efficient. Then, nightmarishly, once hired, I end up slacking off whenever I get disrespected or motivation is no longer tied to what I'm doing. I shouldn't be saying this in public in case any of you ever want to hire me.
There's always this... libraries or getting more tutoring or private secretarying. Urgh.
So next fall I should be done with school and getting work that is maybe slightly more real than what I'm doing now. Moomin will be in public school which will save us a lot. I'll be making more money.
Will I blow this hypothetical money on go-go boots, new leather pants, and bookshelves that go all the way up to the ceiling? Or will I be saving it? I need specific goals, I think.
and whoop. all my working this year i've only made a little over 2K. disheartening.
Also L@ C@nada college. They called me three times, desperate for teachers, back when I was looking for that kind of work. I don't know if they are included on your list already.
Menl0 College, too.
What would you teach? Lit? Comp?
Posted by: Jo | August 25, 2004 at 01:08 PM
Always, once I get some kind of part time, volunteer, or temp job, whoever it is wants to hire me more, because I fake it well and I'm really smart and efficient. Then, nightmarishly, once hired, I end up slacking off whenever I get disrespected or motivation is no longer tied to what I'm doing.
oh boy. I think you've just described my entire professional life in two sentences. Sigh. It's enough to make anyone manic depressive.
Posted by: bri | August 25, 2004 at 01:11 PM