We had a great time with Ms. D.! so cool to meet her! and being social with another human being after 2 days of my parents was a huge relief.
She makes her own hula hoops. Yes, really. This will be a craft project soon. It makes a difference to have a really big grown-up size hula hoops - you can do it forever. We goofed and waggled. Rook hulaed while singing "Faith" and doing dance moves. we were all wacky!
thai food and politics and whether racism has gotten better or not? and what it is like to live in the midst of super conservative people. (it's yucky and scary.) And we talked about war and peace in a way that made me think about things newly.
We will hypnotize her and make her come out to CA to visit!
The movie we wanted to see wasn't showing so we went to The Wadlands Mall. Wow. It was just like Irv1ne! It was all developed as one piece in a sort of attractive yet definitely creepy way. (Rook got a t-shirt at hot topic: "Real Men (heart) Unicorns!" and very nearly got a leather wallet with the slyther1n imprint. I got rainbow shoelaces - that actually i've been looking for. I was madly tempted by a red plaid dress. ooo. )
what's better.. creepy homogenous planned community with trees and the billboards made tasteful? Or the mad chaotic energy and over-parkinglottedness of FM 1690 ? both ugly in their own ways but with their own virtues.
In the car on the way back home:
Rook: What street do we turn on again?
Me: Um, I forget... um... Forest Glen? Glen Forest?
Rook: Forest Glen Forest? Glen Forest Glen?
Me: Forest Forest Glen Glen?
Rook: Springwood Oaks?
Me: Oakwood Springs? Glenspring Springs? It's great how they have Chumpions Forest, and Klanwood Forest, and Greenwad Forest, and then, in The Wadlands, "Research Forest". Ha! Industrial Forest. Roadwood Forest. Development Forest.
Rook: Building Forest.
Me: Mallwood Glen.
Rook: Parkinglot Springs.
Somewhere in Mallwood Forest there are some people who must be very appreciative at being lucky to have a thoughtful, thinky, and principled jewel-like person such as Ms. D. to sparkle in the parking lots and outshine the pro-bu$h bumper stickers...
hey! yes, it was great meeting you and Rook! I posted some of the hooping pics on my blog. A trip to SF has just moved up on my list of things to do this year. I'm so glad you called!
Posted by: D | August 08, 2004 at 09:57 PM
I can hardly believe the coolness of you and Ms.D actually appearing together in the same photograph. What next? You and Joshua? You and Odin?
Posted by: Iris | August 09, 2004 at 01:26 PM
Are you still out there in the Wadlands? I'm driving to Houscum tomorrow. It's tempting to try to organize a meatspace rendezvous -- but then better not, all the bloggy magic would dissipate into the ether.
Posted by: Prentiss Riddle | August 09, 2004 at 06:18 PM
Posted by: YOUSUCK!!! | May 07, 2006 at 05:28 PM
Learn to fucking swear, dipshit!
Posted by: badgerbag | May 07, 2006 at 05:43 PM