Jo is gloating over her new birthday ipod. ooooo! it's cute.
"I'm holding out for the Holy Grail. It'll have all my music, and it'll be a giant hard drive, and it'll go on my keychain. And it will also be my phone."
"But you could have a little one now. An ipod mini." Are they paying this woman to tempt me? or what?
"No. i'm holding out." I'm on the floor, computer in lap, drooling a little, knowing it's dumb and besides, if I spent 250 bucks, I'd rather have the most perfect black platform go-go boots known to huwomkind.
Jo leers down at me and waggles her eyebrows. "You could get a PIIIINK one!" she prompts, as if I'm 5 and she's trying to get me to pick out some new underwear at target, or take my nice medicine that the doctor says will help me get better.
Sadly, the idea of "a pink one!" does make me want it more. When did this happen? I was a cynical little girl who didn't like pink, long ago.
I was sent by Apple to take you with me to ipod hell. And also, you have a big button on you that says, "I wuv PINK ones."
Posted by: Jo | July 30, 2004 at 05:29 PM
Whenever I start to feel tempted by an iPod, I stop myself by thinking of something less ephemeral (art) or more (a chunk of another ticket to Brazil) that I could buy instead.
Posted by: Prentiss Riddle | August 01, 2004 at 05:38 PM