I really want to build this ufo detector! This guy's blog is great all the way too - very funny. His comments on Cory Doctorow, the painting process, all things Japanese, politics, war, and the thuggish U. of Iowa football team thrilled me to the core. Clearly a prince among geeks. I am his bitch! Go, Charles!
As soon as I get better and after I turn in my paper, I am off to radio shack to fulfill my inner 7 year old... Ooooh... and lookit this Science Toys catalog Not toys, but the bits and pieces! Must... build... electromagnet... !
In this description of how to "Make a Permanent Rainbow" from a giant puddle of clear nail polish, the writer forgot to mention that you will also be high as a fucking kite from huffing all that nail polish - a helpful factor in any rainbow viewing.