Meanwhile, suddenly got off my ass, cooked dinner, did errands, found another cache at the train station next to grocery store, and washed some dishes. I considered busting out the Tilex and spraying the mildew off the bathroom ceiling, but then decided that Louisa May Alcott could suck my dick. Back to slacking off and Mary Kingsley. She just climbed a muddy, freezing, jungly, rocky, waterless mountain completely unprepared in the middle of several tornadoes, and when she got to the bottom again, wished she could go up again the next day.
" ' Why did I come to Africa?' thought I. Why! who would not come to its twin brother hell itself for all the beauty and the charm of it!"
That's so inspirational... I think I'll go get back in bed and read some more under my warm velvety blankets while reclining on fluffy white lace-covered pillows, kleenex box and chocolate bar handily within reach. Am considering starting a new custom - whenever I get in bed to read I'll mutter, "The adventure begins!"