I have a bird I like to...
Me and L. at BY's party and photo slideshow. (The one where we were tipsily talking about Tandem Underwear and "A Hint of Ass" perfume, see below).
Someone said something like "You are sisters, and so similiar..."
And at the same instant, in the same slightly derisive tone of voice and emphasis, we said, "Actually, we're not alike at ALL." [Look of incredulity from whoever it was]
We're not ... not at all... I swear! Except for the masticatiaphobia (fear of chewing?) and the love of books, birds, and cats. But even there we are different in degree of liking.
L: Misanthrope. Me: Pollyannathrope.
L: Likes books. Me: Never stops reading a book, even when washing own hair.
Me: Birds, they're pretty cool. L: Puts small fluffy birds in her pants.
Very different!
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